% arith.scr, (dealing with operations on natural numbers),
% using for the determinacy, using determinacy, too, for the
% polynomial hierarchy (PH), for the arithmetic hierarchy (A),
% for the exponentiation hierarchy (ExpH) and for the
% quantifier elimination hierarchy (QE), and for the qe in
% the arith.scr are
ss rattan pdf: theory_ss_nth_lemma
ss rattan pdf: theory_ss_nth_lemma
ss rattan pdf: theory_ss_nth_main
% mr.scr, (dealing with machines),
% using for the fpt-reduction
% mr.scr: theory_mr_thm_fcps_npr_fpt
% mr.scr: theory_mr_thm_pr_fcps
% mr.scr: theory_mr_thm_
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